Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello People

Well, I moved to Seattle for a while and thought with my beautiful new kitchen I'd be blogging like a maniac. Obviously that did not happen-- the FMs here are highway robbery ($7.99 per pound for 'baby' zucchini? I don't think so) and there's just a general dearth of produce. Except for apples. It's like salt on a slug for a native Californian. I will be back in LA (forever!!!) in about a week so expect some serious spring-funtime-bloggin' to resume over here. Oh and I've been making jewelry. So now this will be a blog about both of my hobbies.

So anyway, hey, I'm back, and I still cook and I will blog more about it.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!! Looks like I'll be wearing the snake necklace all summer long! :)
